A rough night’s sleep

Over the past few weeks I’ve had a few occasions when I’ve not slept too well. I put this down to the fact that we’re soon to be moving home and that my mind has been working overtime with all the things I need to remember or to sort out around it – I am very much a planner.

However, many people have much worse sleep than I do. I have been reminded of this most mornings as on my walk to the bus stop I’ve been seeing two people sleeping on benches. One laying down under a pile of coats, the other sat upright under a coat, clutching on to a suitcase full of what I assume are their only worldly possessions. It can’t be a comfortable way to sleep but for them it must feel like what they have to do.

When I arrive at Stratford, most days I’ve been walking past between two and four people who have obviously been sleeping rough the previous evening. Some under a tent, some with signs, some still asleep, some chatting to people. Some talking to police officers, who hopefully are helping them to find somewhere a bit more comfortable.

I find it difficult to walk past without trying to help them in some way, but the sheer number of homeless people at the moment means it is simply not possible to give a spare bit of change, a sandwich or a cup of tea to everyone who you pass.

It saddens me that as a society we are not able to help those who get into these sorts of situations. However I am proud to be working for a company that is attempting to do something about the national housing crisis but it worries me that we are nowhere near to breaking the back of the problem.

The town I am from has a voluntary organisation which for the last 9 years has arranged a Winter Shelter where over the course of 12 weeks, volunteers open up a different church hall each day of the week where anyone can turn up, get something to eat, warmth and shelter for the night. It’s a truly remarkable endeavour which our town is fortunate to have.

This is something which is completely run by volunteers and funded from donations. For the last year I’ve been playing in a band with a couple of close friends. We’re hoping to raise a little bit of money to help the Winter Shelter in our own way this Christmas.

We have recorded a version of It Feels Like Christmas from the Muppet’s Christmas Carol. You can see the video we made for it here.

We are attempting to raise money for our local Winter Shelter and if you are gracious enough to check out the video and don’t dislike it, we would be grateful if you could donate a small amount on our donation page here.