My 10 most influential albums #5

Band: dEUS
Album: In A Bar, Under the Sea
Released: September 1996
Favourite Track: Roses
Favourite Lyric: “I don’t need no thoughts in me, don’t you want to rescue me?”

I saw the video for Little Arithmetics on the alternative show on MTV and was blown away. It’s such a beautiful song that at the end turns into a noisefest. Instantly I wanted to make music like that.

dEUS are from Belgium and so English is not their first language. Either because of or despite that (I’ve never been able to work out which) their lyrics are a lot more poetic and interesting than many musicans for whom English is their first language.

Things I like about dEUS:

  • How they present their name with a small d and capital EUS
  • They have a violinist
  • They seem to be a musical collective. The last time I saw them they seemed to have acquired Mauro Pawlowski, the singer from Evil Superstars, as a backing guitarist/vocalist. Evil Superstars are also awesome and you should check them out.
  • They don’t sound like anyone else.